Ricketts Glen & Wilke Barre, Pa

These are some shots from our visit to Wilkes Barre, Pa and our hike at the Ricketts Glen State Park.

The hike at Ricketts Glen is a strenuous hike, very steep with awkward uneven steps. But, seeing 20 or more waterfalls during one hike was well worth the pain.

The next couple of shots were from the city of Wilkes Barre, Pa. We spent the night since it was over a three hour drive from home. We were both tired from the morning drive and then the hike. Happy to do a nice dinner and then back to the room for some shut eye.

There was a hike-bike trail next to the canal or river in Wilkes Barre. It was a nice getaway for our long Easter holiday weekend.

We took a little walk in one of the city parks.

The park had some beautiful blossoming trees. They look like crap apple blossoms to me.

I hope you enjoyed the trip photos, I am sorry to see the weekend come to end.