Trumpet Vine

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Seven years ago hubby and I planted this small Trumpet Vine near the corner of our deck with a trellis. I wanted a vine that attracted hummmingbirds. Over the years the trumpet vine returned each summer and grew into what I called the monster. It was a monster of green and for seven years never produce a single trumpet flower. Just when hubby and I were going to give up on this vine and remove it, the trumpet flowers finally showed themselves. I know it can be an invasive plant but we can keep it trimmed while it is growing on one corner of our deck. I am thrilled with the flowers this year, the color and the size of the trumpet flower is huge.

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The Campsis Radicans or Trumpet Vines can grown 30-40 feet in a season. The blooms can be a large as 3 inches. The colors range from yellow, orange to red. Hummingbirds are attracted to the bright colors of the trumpet bloom. They prefer full sun and need a trellis or fence to climb.

So now that our Trumpet Vine has finally produced some blooms we are happy and the plant has received a pardon.

Thanks for stopping by to see my Flowers for today and special thanks to the host of Todays Flower : Luiz, Denise, Sandy and Laerte